CDMX México
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Alex VlairFR/QC

Alex Vlair<sup>FR/QC</sup>
Alex VlairFR/QC

Alex Vlair is a multidisciplinary 3D artist and VJ who creates work for music videos, installations, and events. He is interested in the boundary between the digital world and the real, working often with real-time content for events that bring people away from their screens and into social gatherings. He often works with music and musicians, not only exploring the relationship between sound and image, but also as a simple admiration for the power music has to draw people together.

His personal work gravitates towards dark, dream-like themes with an underlying hint of ancient and esoteric symbolism. He strives to capture a sense of a deeper coherent meaning for humanity, using the allure of virtual worlds to draw the audience into the here and now.

Les performances VJ d’Alex Vlair sont réalisées à l'aide de Notch, avec des scènes 3D préconstruites qui sont manipulées en temps réel. Ses visuels, qui se concentrent sur des motifs psychédéliques colorés ressemblant à des mantras, mélangés à des glitches numériques lo-fi, pourraient être décrits comme du cyber-punk ésotérique.
