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DATA DADA<sup>CA/QC</sup>

DATA DADA is the project of Canadian digital artist Nicolas Lavoie. Since 2003, he has been leading intuitive and impulsive performances in the Montréal cultural scene. He is interested in the interaction between music, the environment and the audience, and the emotions that can emanate from these encounters.

DATA DADA defines emotion as a sequence of state changes occurring in five organ systems (cognitive, neurophysiological, motor, motivational or monitor) in response to the evaluation of the relevance of an external or internal stimulus to a central interest of the organism. The artist is passionate about all things related to visual grammar, typography, shapes and textures, which become evolving paintings that make one feel the music through the visual collages.

In his quest to find stimuli and emotions, concepts of opposition can be found: light vs. shadow, organization vs. chaos, reality vs. dream, data vs. dada, and more.
