Mexico City Mexico
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A/Visions 2

A/Visions 2

Thursday, October 12, 2023
7:00 pm_12:30 am

Museo Diego Rivera-Anahuacalli


(taxes and fees included)

For the third time in the history of MUTEK MX, the Anahuacalli Museum will be transformed into an altar for synesthesia, receiving only live audiovisual presentations for the iconic program A/Visions 2. The contrast between Anahuacalli’s ancient energy and the avant-garde mix of visual media & sound art through the power of presence, will deliver one of the most captivating experiences of Edition 18.

It was in Edition XV (2018) that A/Visions 2 arrived for the first time at Anahuacalli; an unforgettable night in the history of MUTEK MX in which Wolfgang Voigt as GAS, Kazuya Nagaya & Florence To and Line Katcho took us through rituals, lysergic traveling and powerful audiovisual explorations, amid the volcanic mysticism of a space full of symbolism. Surrounded by water wells, centuries-old cacti, volcanic rock, medicinal plants in the wild, and with an architectural design inspired by the teocalli (divine house in Nahuatl), the Anahuacalli Museum is the perfect location for A/Visions 2, dedicated to experiences highly contemplative in which the environment is crucial.

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