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Fossilation (2021) is a practice-based art and design research project, a research-creation project. It involves a collective of researchers and student-researchers from three leading institutions in the development of research-creation: Concordia University (Montreal, with the international network Hexagram and Milieux Institute), the École des Arts Décoratifs (with its EnsadLab laboratory and its Arts and Sciences Chair) and the University of Toronto Mississauga. Research-creation makes it possible to approach complex subjects representative of our current world by implementing means and a reflexivity that would be difficult to envision for a single person, for an artist with a monopoly of authority. Research-creation calls for a rethinking of the role and place of artists at a time when cooperation between humans, and, also, other than humans, is more necessary than ever.

Fossilation CA/QC

A bioplastic membrane floats above the floor like a film. Its colour is animated by fluctuating lights and cables that extend toward the ceiling. Embedded in its material, the imprint of an electronic display unit gradually disappears, like a fossil of our time. Connected to the tubes of the Centre Georges Pompidou, the membrane and its sensors convert the flows of the building into electricity. The unstable light testifies to interferences from the capture of residual energies and enhances an ecosystem in which the image composes with the space.

Presented by Hexagram


Fossilation was collectively produced by Brice Ammar-Khodja, Alexandra Bachmayer, Samuel Bianchini, Marie-Pier Boucher, Didier Bouchon, Maria Chekhanovich, Matthew Halpenny, Alice Jarry, Raphaëlle Kerbrat, Annie Leuridan, Vanessa Mardirossian, Asa Perlman, Philippe Vandal, Lucile Vareilles.