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Drawing inspiration from algorithmic methods of synthesis, fractal geometry, chaotic systems and quantum theory on the one hand and "hoovers" - the trademark sound of 90's rave music - as well as the psychedelic impact of techno on the other, EVOL (Roc Jiménez de Cisneros) has managed to bridge two seemingly different worlds, creating his very own musical idiom that he has coined "computer music for hooligans". Using archetypal synthesizers, programming languages and unusual sound sources such as air horns, his compositions flow across minimalist digital noise, frenzied and abstract sound collages and the dynamic acid de-compositions of his recent releases. EVOL records have been released by labels such as Mego, Entr'acte, Presto!? and Roc's very own Alku and collaborators include Russell Haswell, Mark Fell and Francisco López.




Turtle Trax (2020), SOUP (2020), Goofy Tape (2020)