Absolute inspiration towards the 20th Anniversary.
For seven days, dozens of multidisciplinary artists from Mexico, Italy, Catalonia, Canada, Japan, Australia, Brazil and more places around the world, took over iconic spaces in Mexico City to ignite the most essential emotions through creativity and technology.
In each encounter, the surprise, inspiration and risk detonated from the stage confirmed MUTEK Mexico's vocation to connect diverse audiences with avant-garde thinking, reflected not only in the most innovative experiences, but also in the space in which dance and The body on stage achieved moving and unexpected moments.
After a few days of recounting and reflection on Edition 19, MUTEK México thanks the artists, audiences, collaborators, locations, brands and institutions that made possible this succession of experiences that mark the cultural life of the city and renew the inspiration of an entire global community, heading towards the imminent 20th Anniversary of the Festival.
MUTEK MX Memories Edition 19
"The objective of MUTEK MX sounds simple, but it is complex: exploit the five senses of the attendees through the infinite possibilities that new technologies allow."
“For two decades, MUTEK MX has become a very important platform and the favorite space for all those who love the avant-garde.”
“A world of constant evolution and incessant refinement: Mutek's “mu” consciously refers to the notion of «mutation».”
“The most important international festival of digital creativity and electronic music in the world.”
“Fully focused on the electronic scene and with 19 editions under its belt, the festival continues on the incessant path of exploration and refinement.”
“For a week, art and technology take over various spaces in the city, to present the projects of artists from Mexico and around the world.”
Digi Lab
During the MUTEK MX day program, we exchange perspectives, skills and knowledge around the creation and management of digital audiovisual art and emerging technologies, in collaboration with HolaWave, INTUS, FWD and the Festival community.
A/Visions 1
With all features completely sold out, A/Visions 1 took us on a fascinating immersion into different textures and perspectives of the planet, through the audiovisual creativity of Weidi Zhang, Ryoichi Kurokawa and Kazuya Nagaya & Ali M. Demirel & Maurice Jones.
A/Visions 2
With a program dominated by Latin American talent and the splendor of the Anahuacalli Museum as a canvas for audiovisual and performative creativity, the Festival's contemplation and deep listening program presented, along with Marina Herlop's debut in Mexico, three unpublished performances developed especially for this evening: Mercedes Montemayor & Andreah.Tiff, William Basinski & Nika Milano and Hatis Noit & Orly Anan.
A/Visions 3
A captivating and iconic moment in almost twenty years of Festival, with the return of MUTEK MX to the Teatro de la Ciudad Esperanza Iris. With choreographer and dancer Elena Annovi on stage, and all the technological creativity of the fuse* team behind the scenes, Dökk hypnotized us with a mix of digital art and human expression that will hardly be repeated. Legendary.
In alliance with Kia K3, we presented #Nocturne360xKia, a dynamic, innovative and inspirational experience, in which ideas and visions of 24 artists materialized in audiovisual presentations in three rooms, plus the installations and audiovisual pieces of Rampa, Mal Bueno, Albert.DATA, Hidden Edges, Sabrina Ratté, Rodrigo Garrido and Josué Ibañez, took us through a true paradise of audiovisual experimentation and avant-garde sounds.
This day remains in memory for every experience, with indelible moments delivered by the artists and projects of the #NationalFront, the MUTEK MX debuts of Plaid, Richard Devine and Wata Igarashi, the long-awaited returns of Rival Consoles and James Holden (in alliance with Melissa Santamaría) the vanguard of the #FrenteCatalan and the surprising audiovisual duos of Zoe Mc Pherson & Alessandra Leone, Upsammy & Jonathan Castro and Azu Tiwaline & DJ Plead with visuals by Rampa.
Kia K3 presentó Parallels
During #Nocturne360xKia, the artistic alliance between Kia K3 and Architecture Social Club created a space for inspiration and reflection in relation to movement and design lines.
This experimental hybrid between architecture, lighting and sound takes the tones and movements of the natural landscape to abstract extremes, to create an absolute light environment through laser technology and lines of innovation, in a swing supported by the sound design of Max Cooper. Thus, a new synesthetic space opened to surround us with ethereal fragments of natural phenomena.
MUTEK MX Microverse 3: Esteban Azuela

Thank you for being part of MUTEK MX Edition 20 x DEFENDER

Screen Spaces en Nocturne 360 1 y 2
Gastronomic Route MUTEK MX Edition 20 x DEFENDER