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Heleen BlankenNL

Heleen Blanken<sup>NL</sup>
Heleen BlankenNL

From her studio in Amsterdam, Heleen Blanken takes 3D, data, installation, generative visuals and various emerging technologies to confront us with powerful speculative scenarios about the present, past and future of biodiversity.

In this dichotomy between the organic and the synthetic, Heleen's research is transformed into fascinating transmedia spaces that produce a surreal effect on the people who interact with it: technology and artificial environments become the way to confront us with our ideas about Nature. HABITAT, the interactive installation that she will bring to MUTEK MX Edition 20, translates 3D scans of organic artifacts from the Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden into a meditative environment similar to a video game. These constantly mutating environments respond to the movement of visitors as a reminder of the impact of humans on nature.

Heleen's work has been exhibited in spaces such as the Nxt Museum (where HABITAT was first presented), Musée d'art Contemporain, Artemis Gallery Lisbon and Ars. Electrónica. She has collaborated with institutes such as Naturalis Leiden, Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and the Institute for Geosciences Utrecht. This will be her first intervention in Mexico.


Transmedia artist Heleen Blanken, who uses generative video, installation, sculpture and emerging technologies to design interactive experiences.


Before being presented for the first time in Mexico, the interactive installation HABITAT is part of the exhibitions at the NXT Museum in Amsterdam.


Among various interdisciplinary collaborations, Heleen has created video scenography for ballet and other live arts projects.