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INTERVIEW - Jorge Haro<sup>AR/ES</sup>

The interview presented in this edition of MUTEK ES+AR 2021 is based on Jorge Haro. El sonido visto. Una retrospectiva [in]finita, a book that will be published in August by Plataforma Bogotá, in which a series of intellectuals and artists reflect on Haro's trajectory: 20 years through 7 works.

A multidisciplinary artist with residence in Buenos Aires and Madrid, Jorge Haro investigates the aesthetic and scientific aspects of sound and vibrations, with particular interest in expanded listening, sound visualization, sounding of images, audiovisual relationships, and data transformation processes.

His works include formats such as musical recordings, video, objects, audiovisual performances, acoustic concerts, installations and exhibitions. Showing presentations in America and Europe. He carried out artistic residencies at Elektronmusikstudion (EMS), Stockholm, Sweden, 2016 and at Arteleku, San Sebastián, Spain, 2005.