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L'aura (Lau Gonzalez)AR

L'aura (Lau Gonzalez)<sup>AR</sup>
L'aura (Lau Gonzalez)AR

L’aura has been venturing into electronic music since 2013. At the end of that year she released her first compositions and played on several electronic tracks in the province of San Juan.

Her project and musical research was developed for 5 years alongside her work as a dancer and performer in an independent dance-theater company, creating musical compositions that challenged and reflected the socio-political reality of Argentina.

In 2018 she was summoned as a musical composer in a performance project (Quilombo Project) where she made her first compositions with a gender perspective.

Her work collaborated with videodance projects and with visual artists, making their sound design. She worked as a musical composer in the Association of Independent Dance Makers of San Juan.

In 2019 she was selected by the British Council through the INAMU to travel through the Nuevo Cuyo node to the Mutek Argentina international festival. She is part of the Amplify D.A.I platform. At the end of 2019, she was called to co-direct and script the Ambassadors Show for the 2020 National Sun Festival in the province of San Juan.

During the year 2020 she worked remotely with dance artists from her province and collaborated with her compositions in a foundation in Uruguay directed by the dancer and choreographer Guillermo Gonzalez Sevilla.

At the end of 2020, he joined Lean Bustos and Matias Tello with his musical compositions to form the Colectivo Lado Ve, with which they won the regional prize of the Dance Work Contest of the National Fund for the Arts with the work ¿Qué querés que sea? ?

In 2021 she participated with the Colectivo Lado Ve in performance interventions of the Cultural Summer program of the province of San Juan. She was also summoned by the Contegrand Cultural Center (San Juan) to participate with an electronic music performance show at the 8M Festival. Together with Colectivo Lado Ve, she won the invitation from the Federal Council of Culture Martina Chapanay, from which she made the musical composition and general production of the short film Ojo de Agua. They were also selected for the Dance Scene in Motion festival with the play ¿Qué Sabe el Pueblo? in which she performs the musical composition.

At the end of 2021 she made the musical composition of Bruma, a short dance video for the dancers of the Contemporary Dance Workshop of the San Martín Theater Complex in Buenos Aires. In December she participated with a Live set at the Museum of the birthplace of Sarmiento for the program Argentina Florece. During 2022 she is playing in Artistic Interventions such as the National Theater Festival, among others, in the province of San Juan.

Her musical project is in constant dialogue with dance, performance and theater. So also with the socio-political reality of today's world. The feminist movement and the conquest of rights has been a beacon and engine of her musical life. She makes her compositions with synthesizers and recorded audio fragments of actors, performers, real-life people or iconic speeches that seek to challenge the viewer to find a common code of reflection or understanding.