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Olivia McGilchristFR/JM/QC

Olivia McGilchrist<sup>FR/JM/QC</sup>
Olivia McGilchristFR/JM/QC

Olivia Mc Gilchrist is a white French-Jamaican multimedia artist and doctoral candidate exploring how colonial legacies extend their reach to Virtual Reality (VR) technology. She has exhibited in Canada, Jamaica, USA, Brazil, Germany, Norway, Austria, France, Switzerland, UK. Building on her experience as a white Euro-Caribbean and research in the portrayal of her hybrid identity within contemporary Jamaican culture, Mc Gilchrist explores how this can be represented in VR. Working with Professors MJ Thompson, Lynn Hughes and Alice Ming Wai Jim at Concordia University, her Individualized PhD thesis project is entitled Virtual ISLANDs, postcolonial hybrid identities in Virtual Reality.

Olivia Mc Gilchrist FR/JM/QCVirtual ISLANDs: Submersion and Hybrid Identity in Virtual Reality

Virtual ISLANDs disrupts current uses of volumetric capture technology to portray the virtual experience of being underwater. This project draws from the artists’ dual European and Caribbean heritage to explore  the relationship between virtual immersion and the physicality of submersion through a caribbean futures perspective. This artwork combines a series of volumetric self-portraits with a sound composition by electroacoustic composer Kasey Pocius.

Presented by Hexagram
